
The role of a territorial Baron and Baroness in the SCA is akin to being the noble stewards of a local realm. They’re not just figureheads; they actively guide and represent their community. Picture them as the medieval hosts of a grand feast, responsible for creating a welcoming and vibrant atmosphere.

First and foremost, they serve as the local figureheads, embodying the spirit of the SCA. They preside over courtly events, handing out awards, and fostering a sense of camaraderie. Their duties extend to maintaining the medieval ambiance within their territory, ensuring that events are both entertaining and welcoming.

While the Baron and Baroness don noble regalia, their responsibilities are not purely ceremonial. They act as mediators, resolving disputes and promoting a harmonious atmosphere. They work closely with the baronial officers, especially the seneschal, to address administrative matters and ensure the smooth functioning of the local SCA community.

Baron Gareth Ostestly, Jeff Berger

1738 N. 36 Road
Ottawa, IL 61350

Baroness Hillary of Langford, Aggie Berger

Mistress Hillary of Langford

1738 N. 36 Road
Ottawa, IL 61350

Baronial Officers

The baronial seneschal in the SCA is like the logistical backbone of a medieval community. They’re the ones making sure everything runs smoothly in the local realm. From managing event logistics and coordinating volunteers to handling paperwork like membership forms and reports, the seneschal is a crucial organizer.

They act as a liaison between the baronial leadership and the broader populace, ensuring that everyone’s voices are heard. It’s not just about paperwork; the seneschal facilitates communication, making announcements and keeping the community informed about important matters.

They oversee meetings, ensuring they run efficiently and that decisions are documented. In a way, the baronial seneschal is the go-to person for maintaining order, keeping the community connected, and ensuring that the local SCA experience is both enjoyable and authentic to the medieval spirit.

Mistrovska Evzenie Apolena Vitkovic, Peg Cook

Mistrovska Evzenie Apolena

Lord Keaton Caitdroven, Deputy
Lady Markéta z Prahy, Deputy

The baronial exchequer in the SCA is the financial custodian, the one keeping the medieval coffers in check. Imagine a meticulous scribe surrounded by ledgers and parchment, managing the fiscal heartbeat of the local realm.

Their primary duty is to handle the finances of the barony, maintaining accurate records of income and expenses. They work closely with event stewards to budget for gatherings, ensuring that the financial aspects align with the grandeur of the medieval experience. Membership dues and event fees pass through their watchful eyes, recorded diligently in the financial scrolls.

The baronial exchequer also plays a key role in transparency, presenting financial reports during meetings and courtly events. They collaborate with other officers to ensure that the barony operates within its financial means, providing counsel on fiscal matters.

THL Matilda Ann Stevyn Slyfield, Grace Strauss

Matilda Ann Stevyn Slyfield


Lord Kevin Abrozijwski / Kevin Purtell, Deputy

The baronial Minister of Arts & Sciences in the SCA is the creative soul of the local realm, fostering the pursuit of knowledge and artistic expression. Picture a passionate artisan surrounded by an array of medieval crafts, from illuminations to period cooking utensils.

Their primary duty is to encourage and facilitate artistic and scientific endeavors within the barony. They work with artisans, scientists, and enthusiasts, nurturing a vibrant community of creativity. The Minister of Arts & Sciences organizes workshops, classes, and events that celebrate and share the diverse skills and knowledge of the medieval period.

They collaborate with other officers to ensure that arts and sciences are integrated into the broader SCA experience. This includes coordinating displays of craftsmanship at events and helping individuals pursue their artistic interests. The Minister of Arts & Sciences is a bridge between the past and the present, ensuring that the barony thrives as a hub of medieval-inspired creativity.

THL Mikhail of Lubelska

Mikhail of Lubelska

Lady Siobhan An Einigh / Alessandra West, Deputy

The rapier marshal in the SCA is the vigilant guardian of safety and honor on the dueling grounds. Picture a seasoned warrior with a watchful eye, ensuring that the art of rapier combat thrives within the bounds of safety and chivalry.

Their primary duty is overseeing rapier combat activities, from practices to tournaments. Safety is paramount, and the rapier marshal meticulously checks equipment to ensure it meets established standards. They provide guidance on proper technique, rules of engagement, and maintain a keen awareness of the dueling environment.

During events, the rapier marshal officiates and ensures fair play, adjudicating disputes and upholding the principles of chivalry. They work closely with the broader marshalate to maintain consistency in safety protocols across different combat forms.

Beyond the battlefield, the rapier marshal is an advocate for skill development, organizing training sessions and workshops to enhance the prowess of the local rapier community. They collaborate with the baronial leadership to integrate rapier activities seamlessly into the overall SCA experience.

Katerina Die Herlliche, Rachel Kerner

Deputy position open

The archery marshals primary duty is to maintain a secure archery environment. This involves inspecting equipment to ensure it adheres to safety standards, and overseeing range setup to minimize risks. The archery marshal provides guidance on proper shooting techniques, emphasizing both accuracy and adherence to established rules.

During archery events, the marshal takes charge of safety briefings and officiates the activities. They’re the watchful eyes on the range, ensuring that archers conduct themselves with honor and follow the principles of safe archery. In case of disputes or rule violations, the archery marshal steps in to maintain order.

Beyond safety, the archery marshal fosters the growth of archery skills within the community. They organize practices, workshops, and events to enhance the proficiency of archers and encourage camaraderie among enthusiasts. Collaborating with the broader marshalate, they ensure that safety protocols remain consistent across various forms of SCA combat.

Forester Aethelwulf of Dover, Tom Scrip

Forester Aethelwulf of Dover

Deputy position open

In the SCA, a baronial heavy weapons marshal plays a crucial role in overseeing and ensuring the safety of heavy combat activities. This includes activities such as armored combat, where participants engage in mock battles using rattan weapons and wear armor for protection.

The marshal’s responsibilities include:

  1. Safety Oversight: Ensuring that all participants adhere to safety guidelines and regulations during combat. This includes proper armor use, weapon construction, and overall conduct on the field to minimize the risk of injuries.

  2. Authorization: Conducting authorization processes for fighters who wish to participate in heavy combat. This involves assessing their skill level, knowledge of rules, and ability to engage in combat safely.

  3. Training: Organizing and/or overseeing training sessions for heavy combat participants. This helps maintain and improve combat skills while reinforcing safety protocols.

  4. Tournament Organization: Facilitating and organizing heavy combat tournaments within the barony. This involves coordinating logistics, ensuring fair play, and overseeing the overall conduct of the tournament.

  5. Rule Enforcement: Enforcing SCA rules and regulations related to heavy combat. This includes addressing any rule violations and taking appropriate actions to maintain a fair and safe environment.

  6. Communication: Acting as a liaison between the local barony and higher-level marshals or officers within the SCA. This involves communicating updates, concerns, and relevant information to ensure smooth collaboration.

Serjeant Jonathan Ospry, Scott Allen

Deputy position open

The thrown weapons marshals duty is to maintain a safe environment for thrown weapons activities. This involves meticulous inspections of equipment to ensure it meets safety standards, as well as overseeing the setup of the range to minimize risks. The thrown weapons marshal provides guidance on proper throwing techniques, emphasizing accuracy and adherence to established rules.

During thrown weapons events, the marshal takes charge of safety briefings and officiates the activities. They closely monitor the range, ensuring participants follow safety protocols and display honorable conduct. In case of disputes or rule violations, the thrown weapons marshal steps in to address and resolve issues.

Beyond safety, the thrown weapons marshal encourages the growth of skills within the community. They organize practices, workshops, and events to improve the proficiency of throwers and foster a sense of camaraderie among enthusiasts. Collaborating with the broader marshalate, they ensure that safety protocols remain consistent across various forms of SCA combat.

Position open

Deputy position open

The baronial chatelaine in the SCA is like a gracious host or hostess, welcoming newcomers into the vibrant tapestry of the local realm. Picture a friendly and approachable figure, ready to guide and integrate individuals into the medieval community.

Their primary duty is to facilitate the entry of new members and guests into the barony. This involves offering information about the SCA, explaining the intricacies of events and activities, and providing a warm introduction to the local community. The chatelaine serves as a friendly point of contact for questions and concerns, helping newcomers feel at ease.

The baronial chatelaine also coordinates newcomer-oriented activities, such as orientations, workshops, and social gatherings, fostering a sense of belonging within the SCA. They work closely with other officers to ensure that newcomers have access to the resources and support they need to fully participate in the community.

In addition to welcoming newcomers, the chatelaine serves as a liaison between the baronial leadership and the populace, gathering feedback and addressing concerns to enhance the overall experience for all members.

Captain Arnora in Skarpa, Rebecca Hubert

Arnora in Skarpa

Deputy position open

The baronial chronicler produces and publishes the baronial newsletter or chronicler’s report. This document serves as a time capsule, chronicling events, achievements, and noteworthy activities within the barony. The chronicler often gathers articles, photographs, and other contributions from members to compile a comprehensive and engaging record.

The chronicler is also responsible for maintaining archives, ensuring that past newsletters, event documentation, and historical records are preserved for future generations. They may collaborate with other officers to capture the essence of the SCA experience and communicate it to the broader community.

Jane The Tall, Jennie Tyderek

The baronial pursuivant in the SCA serves as the heraldic guide within the local realm, skillfully navigating the realm of names and coats of arms. Functioning as a medieval herald, their primary responsibility lies in aiding members with the submission and registration of their personal heraldic devices, names, and badges. The pursuivant assists individuals in understanding the intricate heraldic rules and ensures that their chosen symbols align with established conventions.

During courtly events, the baronial pursuivant plays a pivotal role in heralding, announcing individuals and their achievements with pomp and circumstance. Collaborating closely with the heralds of the court, they guarantee that ceremonies are conducted with precision and adherence to heraldic traditions.

Beyond these ceremonial duties, the pursuivant may contribute to maintaining records of the baronial heraldic display, ensuring that the symbols and devices used by individuals within the barony are appropriately documented.

Mistress Nadezda Ze Zastrizl, Merill Miller

Mistress Nadezda Ze Zastrizl

Deputy position open

The baronial signet, also called scribe in the SCA serves as a skilled calligrapher and illuminator, infusing official documents with artistic elegance. Their primary responsibility is to create visually appealing scrolls for the barony, particularly for awards and honors. These scrolls feature intricate calligraphy and artistic elements inspired by medieval styles. The baronial scribe collaborates closely with baronial leaders to ensure the scrolls align with the aesthetic standards of the SCA. In essence, they are the artisans who transform written words into works of visual art, contributing to the regal atmosphere of courtly events and enhancing the overall experience for participants.

THL Ambr Stormwatch, Kerry Lynch

The baronial webminister in the SCA takes on the role of managing and maintaining the online presence of the local group. Their primary responsibility is overseeing the barony’s website, ensuring it remains up-to-date, functional, and reflects the spirit of the SCA. This includes handling technical aspects, troubleshooting issues, and organizing content to provide a user-friendly experience for members and the broader community. The webminister may also coordinate with other officers to integrate online platforms seamlessly into the barony’s activities, fostering effective communication and engagement within the SCA. In essence, they are the digital custodians, ensuring the barony’s virtual space aligns with the organization’s goals and enhances the online experience for participants.

THL Dunstan Bramblette, Rob Hicks

Dunstan Bramblette

Elli Skogkǫttrsdóttir, Deputy

The baronial social media officer in the SCA is responsible for managing and curating the barony’s presence on various social media platforms. Their primary duties include creating and sharing content that aligns with the SCA’s goals and values, engaging with the community, and promoting events and activities. The social media officer plays a pivotal role in fostering online connections, responding to inquiries, and ensuring that the barony maintains a positive and welcoming digital presence. They collaborate with other officers to coordinate online efforts, contributing to effective communication and community-building within the SCA. Essentially, they are the digital ambassadors, using social media to enhance the visibility and engagement of the barony.

More information coming soon, contact the Senseschal for more info

Elli Skogkǫttrsdóttir, Deputy

The baronial minister of youth officer in the SCA is dedicated to creating a safe and enriching environment for families with young participants. They play a crucial role in organizing age-appropriate activities, ensuring the well-being and safety of youth during events. This includes coordinating with parents or guardians to address any specific needs and concerns. By fostering a family-friendly atmosphere within the barony, the minister of youth contributes to the integration of younger members into the SCA community. Their goal is to provide a supportive space where families feel comfortable and children can enjoy the medieval-inspired activities of the SCA while prioritizing their safety and well-being.

Position open

Deputy position open