Contact Us

If you’re interested in learning more about the SCA or the Barony of Ayreton, you can reach out to our Chatelaine, Lady Kyneburga Rimcræftiga. She will be happy to introduce you to activities in the barony and help you find people to connect with to get involved.

You can also learn more on the official SCA website, and the SCA Newcomer’s Portal, which has lots of useful information about the larger Society we play in.

Find us on Social Media

Google Groups – Email list

Join the conversation on the “Barony of Ayreton Discussion List Google Group! Request to join by sending an email to [email protected]. You may need to adjust your personal email settings to allow an automatic add to a group. 

Once you have been added, you can find the archive of email discussions by finding the group (“Barony of Ayreton Discussion List”) in your Groups on Google.


Official Facebook Page

Follow this page for official announcements and event listings.

Social Group

Join us on the social page for friendly talk about what is going on in and around the barony, and find out what activities are available.

Discord invite

Come and chat with us about what’s going on in the Barony of Ayerton, what people are making, learn about the SCA and what there is to do, and see pictures of their pets!


Want to see more of the things we do? This will be the place! Pictures from events, practices, get-togethers, and more will be found here!

Question about the website?

You can contact the Webminister, Lord Cyrus Rhaedestos, with any questions or suggestions you have for the website.